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About: Kyane de Haas

Recent Posts by Kyane de Haas


London-based startup Aeropowder has shown the way by creating Pluumo – a high-performance insulation material, that not only makes better use of surplus feather waste, but also gives a sustainable alternative to packaging materials such as polystyrene. Deliveries are playing an increasingly important role in our society. Packaging must be used to keep goods safe  Continue Reading »

Will compostable bioplastic be part of the EU’s soil strategy?

The soil is an essential starting point for our entire existence. It is the basis for all food chains and for biodiversity on earth. But in the EU alone, 60-70% of the soil is not healthy. Each year, approximately a billion tons of soil is lost due to erosion, resulting in an agricultural production loss  Continue Reading »

Bioplastics recognised by United Nations as a sustainable alternative to conventional plastic

Plastic is everywhere and it has changed our daily life. It is durable and convenient, but unfortunately large amounts end up in the nature which has a significant negative effect on the environment, animals, and human health. Plastic products are also widely used in agriculture as it can improve the efficiency and productivity of food  Continue Reading »

Microplastics are everywhere – but what are the consequences?

Microplastics are increasingly found in the natural world, and while it is not yet certain what the consequence of the tiny pieces of plastic will be, there is no doubt that this is a growing issue. In fact, scientists see microplastics as one of the biggest environmental challenges for both humans and nature[1]. What is  Continue Reading »

Life depends on healthy soil

Experts come with an interesting message about certified compostable waste bags that contradicts previous information! Over the years there has been written much about compostable biobags and doubts were raised about the legitimacy of using biobags for organic waste sorting. Research by the Verbund Kompostierbare Produkte e.V. (The Association for Compostable Products) state that “certified  Continue Reading »

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